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South Side Community Reparations Coalition

The South Side Community Reparations Coalition (SSCRC) is a community-based assessment and planning project; founded and housed in the Chicago Urban League’s Research and Policy Center. Our main focus is aiding residents in collectively understanding and prioritizing reparation strategies to craft recommendations that repair and restore Black communities on the South Side of Chicago.

The SSCRC is working towards a plan for how cannabis tax money ,or the Restore Reinvest Renew (R3) grants, could potentially be used. The project focuses on ten Chicago community areas:

While there is a focus on the ten above areas, we realize the Black South Side consists of many who do not live in these communities. All Black people who live in a majority Black community in Chicago are able to provide recommendations.

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Call to Action/Join Us

Our community meetings will enable SSCRC to learn more from community members about what they think is important in their community to help us guide our research focus. We also hope to provide context for the need for this project to community members and share the work we have completed.

Folks can also participate through our Photovoice initiative which incorporates photos from the community that  illustrate the various strengths, needs, challenges, community centers, resources etc. they see in their community. Focus groups will be organized to bring photographers together to discuss the photos they took and what they mean to them.

We are currently conducting interviews for our Community Planning Committee for those who live in our focus areas.

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