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Census 2020 is live from March – September 2020

The Chicago Urban League is committed to helping ensure a complete count of residents of our city and the state of Illinois. We are particularly focused on African-American communities, which are among the hardest to count populations.

Why is this important?

The Census is more than just a form that we’re asked to fill out every 10 years. It’s about two things: money and power. Many federal financial and political decisions are based on national population counts. To make those decisions, the federal government needs to know the total number of people currently living in this country and in EVERY HOUSEHOLD. The Census is how this information is collected.

Simply put, completing the 2020 Census will help bring MONEY and POWER to African-American communities.

While the 2020 Census is live, the Chicago Urban League is serving as a Census Center, providing resources for other community organizations and for individual residents. If you’re looking for Census-related information that you do not see on this page, please contact us at Census2020@chiul.org.

Complete the 2020 Census Now

🖥  To complete the 2020 Census online, visit https://my2020census.gov/

📞  To complete the 2020 Census over the phone with a Census Questionnaire Assistance representative, call 1-844-330-2020


Need Help?

Watch this video on how to complete the 2020 Census online:


Have Questions?

View our list of Frequently Asked Questions about completing the Census.

Resources for Community Organizations

Messaging and Outreach Toolkit



Download Toolkit


Sample Census Materials

Invitation Letter: Every household should receive a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau inviting them to participate in the Census. Here is what it looks like:

CENSUS 2020-Invitation Letter_SAMPLE


Census 2020 Questionnaire: Here is what the actual Census questionnaire looks like:

CENSUS 2020-Questionnaire_SAMPLE

Census 2020 Graphics