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Chicago Urban League Urges Governor to Act on Senate Bill 1


July 31, 2017

Sabrina Greig, External Affairs Manager
(773) 451-3508


Chicago Urban League Urges Governor to Act on Senate Bill 1

Chicago, IL. – The Chicago Urban League calls on Governor Rauner to act on Senate Bill 1 immediately and give certainty to the students in the Chicago Public School district and all 2.1 million students across Illinois that school will welcome students on time and stay open throughout the academic year.

Education is not a Chicago, central Illinois or downstate Illinois issue. We are concerned about all Illinois students, and rather than pit students against each other, we must instead invest in their futures. If our leaders do not get this bill done, we may lose the only viable chance at an equitable school funding system the state of Illinois has seen in decades.

Senate Bill 1 is the only fair funding bill that has already passed through the General Assembly as part of a bipartisan effort. The swiftest action now is for the Governor to enact this bill today to ensure our schools get the funding they need to operate. “An equitable school funding system is imperative for Illinois students. Our CULtivate research report released in February found that there are a myriad of ways that our current educational system significantly disadvantages low income families, particularly African American students living in poverty,” said Shari Runner, President and CEO of the Chicago Urban League. Our poorest districts should not be the ones that have to suffer the most. Our district needs this new formula to finally put an end to over decades of inequity.

The Governor has a great opportunity in front of him. He can be the leader that ends Illinois’ worst in the nation school funding system, while saving schools from closure. We ask him to get SB1 done by August 1.



About the Chicago Urban League

Established in 1916, the Chicago Urban League works for economic, educational and social progress for African Americans and promotes strong sustainable communities through advocacy, collaboration and innovation. For more information, visit www.thechicagourbanleague.org. Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.