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CUL Students Blog about Adventures in China – Day 5

The Chicago Urban League is proud to announce that it is once again hosting a student mission trip to China! For the next two weeks, 24 CUL students are being immersed in the Chinese culture, customs and cuisine. This is a journey is an adventure of a lifetime that is sure to change their lives.

The great news is that we get to be a part of their journey through the blogs they are writing. Check out the fifth entry below:

Friday June 24, 2016

Today is Friday June 24th and this is our 6th day in China and our 3rd day in Hangzhou. Earlier today we had seminar classes on Chinese Culture and History, the Chinese Language and China’s 30 years of economic development. The seminar on China’s economic development amused me because it reminded me of America. At one point in time, our economy was solely dependent on agriculture and the industrial period, we eventually developed into a more civilized country and made dramatic changes to help improve our country. After those 3 lectures, we were taught several techniques in Chinese Martial Arts and to end the day, we learned about dough sculptures and had the opportunity to create our own panda sculpture.

      We like Hangzhou more than Beijing because the people are more generous. During the Martial Arts workshop, we learned that Chinese martial arts are composed of two concepts, Wu and Shu. Combined together, Wushu means a traditional sport focusing on the cultivation of physical health and spiritual power. This workshop was not only informative but also provided all of us with a great workout.

~Marshay Degraffenreid and Andria Ellis